Foods to eat for each stage of your menstrual cycle

Nutritional recommendations for optimising your hormones at each stage of your menstrual cycle. It is not uncommon to struggle with mood swings, painful cramps or fatigue at certain points of your menstrual cycle. You may be thinking these are inevitable elements of menstruation, but the good news is they can be reduced by optimising your nutrition. …

December 2, 20220 comments

PCOS & Endocrine disruptors

PCOS and PCOD like mainly originate out of lifestyle factors, hormonal imbalances, insulin resistance, gut imbalance and inflammation. While dietary interventions can help rectify and correct these factors to a certain extent, there are certain triggers that you may be unaware of. Endocrine Disruptors : Endocrine disruptors are chemicals found in a ra …

August 22, 20210 comments

Dairy and acne breakouts

Recent researches have found a link between dairy and acne, but its really not straightforward. About 80% of the population aged 11-30 and 85% of the population aged 15-17 years is being affected by body acne. It is mostly affecting adolescents and young adults. What the research states on acne and food habits. Milk products can cause/increase acne:   I …

February 19, 20210 comments

Good food=Good mood?

A growing field of research has found a positive association between food choices and mental wellbeing. A strong buzz after a caffeinated drink, an alcohol high or a sugar rush, we have all been there. The impact and alterations in the mood are undeniable. These are immediate changes that do evidence that food does affect mood. However, the relation …

February 17, 20210 comments

Probiotics- Worth it?

What is a probiotic? From kombucha to kimchi, ‘probiotic’ foods are the latest trend taking the health, supplement and culinary world by storm. But it’s by no means a new concept. In fact, it’s believed humans have been consuming fermented foods (and fermented dairy, in particular) since time immemorial . But what exactly is a probiotic? The scientif …

February 3, 20210 comments
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